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A Videoblog For All Occasions

stay tuned for episode 2 & 3 comming out soon!


Anonymous said...

LIked it! Felt like I was there. Hope you did a William Hung Cooking Show in the hotel room with a hot plate like good hotel cooking :)

Anonymous said...

gosh next time i travel i should make a video or something cuz the nz airport is really...natural (like theres a lot of trees and the background music is nature birds and stuff!)!! can't wait to see the rest!!

Anonymous said...

sadly we did not have a hot plate and you had to spend $10 extra to get a microwave (omg aaaaah!)

yeah you should!!! its always fun to make videos while you travel cause then your not bored!

Shnissugah said...

A lot of the fast forwarded stuff reminds me a lot of the benny hill show... Have you seen it?

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